Divorce Mediators Houston

Houston Mediation Attorney

Divorce Mediation Attorneys Near Me In Texas

Spouses thinking of getting a divorce are often concerned about the time and money it will take to finalize the divorce. Since a litigated divorce is an expensive and time-consuming option, couples often turn to alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation. Mediation not only offers an opportunity for an amicable divorce but may also take a shorter time and cost less compared to litigated divorce.

An experienced divorce attorney is well-equipped to mediate your divorce-related disputes involving property division, child support, child custody, and other issues.

What Does Divorce Mediation Mean?

Divorce Mediators Houston TX

Divorce mediation is a confidential process where a neutral party helps spouses negotiate how they will handle disputes when they are ending their marriage. It is an informal process that happens in a safe environment with the goal to help divorcing parties reach an amicable solution.  Couples do not have to reach an agreement during mediation and can always take their divorce case to court.

But if the couples reach an agreement during mediation then there is a high likelihood that the court will approve that agreement.

Before A Divorce

Texas Divorce Mediation Cost

Divorce Mediators HoustonMediation is an appropriate option for any couple that has significant property and minor children. Before a couple decides to take the mediation route for their divorce, they need to agree on how to divide property, child custody, child support, and alimony.  Any disagreement can be ironed out during the mediation process.

Doing this can help minimize conflicts that can completely destroy the relationship of the spouses and hurt their children.

Why Choose Mediation?

Houston Mediation Center

Apart from saving time and money, mediation has a better track record at resolving divorce-related issues. This is probably why more than 90 percent of couples settle divorce issues in mediation before going to trial.

Houston Divorce Mediation Process

Mediator Or Attorney For Divorce In TX

Below are the steps for divorce mediation:

  • Hire a mediator:  Hire a mediator that has experience handling divorce issues and you feel is trustworthy. The mediator should also find it easy to communicate with the parties involved in the divorce.
  • Attend mediation sessions: Mediation sessions may happen in two ways. The mediation can happen in one room with all the spouses and the mediator together in one room.  Another option is for a mediator to meet the couples separately. You can hire an attorney to attend mediation with you and advise you.
  • Signing the agreement: Once the parties reach an agreement on all issues, they sign the agreement and file in with the court for approval.

What Happens After A Successful Mediation

Family Mediation Lawyers In Texas

After signing the mediated agreement, the mediator or your lawyer has to file the final divorce documents together with the proposed final divorce decree, and the motion to enter judgment based on your agreement. Your divorce will be finalized if the mediated settlement agreement meets all the necessary requirements.

A judge may refuse to approve the agreement if there was coercion, duress, or fraud involved in reaching the agreement, or if the agreement is not in the best interests of the child. The same applies if there is evidence of domestic violence or the agreement gives an abusive parent unsupervised access to the child.

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