Aldine, TX Divorce Lawyer

Aldine, TX Divorce Lawyer

The last thing spouses that are going through a divorce want, is a costly and protracted divorce process. Many couples that want a divorce look for ways to shorten the process while at the same time protecting their interests and rights. But divorce cases can become even more complicated if there are children or property of significant value involved. An experienced divorce lawyer in Aldine, Texas, can offer professional, compassionate guidance to you to make the whole process easier.

More Family Law Info

  1. Longworth Law Firm Divorce Lawyers
  2. Family Lawyer Reviews
  3. Cost of Divorce

How Long Will The Divorce Take

A skilled attorney can help you create an agreement with the other party that takes your interests into account. Most divorce cases in Texas are settled through mediation because people do everything they can to avoid going to court. Remember that there is a 60 day mandatory waiting period after filing for a divorce after which the divorce case can proceed. It only takes approximately 60 days to finalize a mediated divorce while it can several months to settle a litigated divorce. The longer the divorce case takes the more money the divorcing couples have to part with.

In a mediated divorce, both parties can create terms that are fair to both of them, but if the case goes to court, the judge will issue an order that may not necessarily be fair to both parties. If there is a child involved, courts will issue orders that serve the best interests of the child more than the parents. The best interests of a child can be determine by what the child desires, the child’s  emotional and physical needs, the environment where the child is raised, and more.

Things To Consider In A Divorce

A knowledgeable divorce lawyer can review your divorce case and have a one to one discussion with you about what your expectations for the divorce case are. The first thing that comes to mind is child custody in situations where a minor child is involved. You and the other party can create reasonable arrangements that favor your children, but a court must approve the arrangement for it to be enforceable. Your divorce lawyer can help you create an arrangement that emphasizes the child’s best interest.

aldine tx divorce and family law attorneysCourts prefer child custody and child support plans that allow for both parents to maintain their parental rights and duties after divorce. Another important issue to consider is community property. Before the community property is divided, a process must be conducted to identify all the assets and calculate their value. Not all property that the couple own can be divided. Your divorce lawyer can help you identify the property that may be divided and the ones that you can keep. Other things you should consider include alimony, debts, visitation and more.

Why You Need A Lawyer

Your lawyer can help you find a mediator if you and your spouse decide to divorce on good terms through mediation. Apart from that, your lawyer can act as a consultant for any discussions you have during mediation. In case your divorce case is going to court, your lawyer will represent you and aggressively fight for your rights.