Houston Divorce Lawyer for Men
If you are going through a divorce, you must hire a good divorce attorney who understands men’s perspectives. Our attorneys can provide straightforward answers to your questions. Having the right divorce attorney for men’s rights on your side can help you relax during this trying time. Given the gravity of this life-changing event, it is critical to retain the services of experienced attorneys.

Having the right divorce lawyer on your side can alleviate stress and make a significant difference. Given the gravity of this life-altering event, it is critical to retain the services of Houston attorneys with extensive experience in divorce, property division, child support, and child custody.
A Divorce Attorney for Dads
There are certain challenges that are often faced by fathers during divorce such as being denied equal opportunity for child custody.
There is often this assumption that mothers have more of a right to access their children than fathers during divorce (see also…parental alienation).

That assumption is not based on facts because fathers have the same rights and duties that mothers have over a child. An experienced family law attorney can help protect your rights in a divorce on the following issues:
- Child custody & child support
- Property division
- Post marital agreements
- Prenuptial agreements
- Alimony and spousal support and more
Why You Need a Father’s Rights Attorney
Even when you want to be fair, divorce is hard. When a woman decides to play the “victim”, there are no rules. One bad report to your boss can cost you your job. One false claim to the police, and you can find yourself paying the mortgage for a house where you can’t even sleep, while some other guy raises your kids. When this happens, you need strong legal counsel to counteract these tactics.
Your attorney can help you pursue child visitation and other child custody rights because the attorney understands what is required in such cases. Despite the fact that child support guidelines exist, a court may be convinced to deviate from those guidelines in certain situations. An attorney can help you get the best possible results even if the court deviates from set guidelines of child support or other family law cases.
A men’s rights attorney can also help you negotiate a parenting agreement involving child support and visitation schedule with your ex-spouse. This agreement also includes sections on health care, education and mental and physical health of the child. You need an agreement that allows you to share responsibilities related to the child equally with your ex. An attorney can make sure that every section in the agreement will not affect you negatively in the future after the agreement is signed and approved.
Men’s Divorce Lawyers Near You
How Fathers Prepare for a Child Custody Battle
You will need an experienced father’s rights attorney to represent you in such a case. This lawyer will help you write down a list of all things you know about your child such as their best friends, movies they like, favorite cartoons and so on.
Judges often pay attention to such details to determine if a father was involved in their child’s life before prior to the divorce. Do not confide in your child about frustrations from the divorce, and do not write about the issue on social media.
At Longworth Law Firm, we have the muscle you need to meet false accusations head on and the legal skills to protect your privacy. If you are accused of domestic violence by your girlfriend or wife, our skilled negotiators can deal effectively with prosecutors and police or take them on at trial—no problem. If you are in a divorce, we will make sure the case stays on track, protect your rights, and your privacy. Daryl F. Longworth has the skill and experience you need to navigate deep waters. Call us today at (832) 759-5100.
Where To Get Resources About Fathers Rights
If you want to know more about father’s rights, you can get that information from a number of organizations. These include:
- Houston Divorce Lawyer for Men
- The American Coalition for Fathers and Children: It is an organization dedicated to creation of family law system and public awareness which promotes equal rights for all parties affected by issues of the modern family. It has a lot of resources on shared parenting for the benefit of the child.
- National Parents Organization: Focuses on promoting shared parenting where each parent has equal standing raising their children after separation or divorce. The organization believes that a child should develop a strong bond with both parents even after divorce.
- Children’s Rights Council: Works to ensure that children continue meaningful interactions with both parents regardless of their parent’s marital status. The organization works to strengthen families
- Men and The Emotional Stages of Divorce
You can also consult a resourceful Texas fathers rights attorney to tell you about your rights as a father in family law matters.