Annual College Scholarship

Longworth Law Firm, P.C. is pleased to announce our annual college scholarship. We would like to help a student who desires to pursue a career in family law. Special consideration will be given to currently enrolled law school students and U.S. military veterans.

UPDATE: Congratulations to past scholarship winners. The scholarship will be discontinued until further notice.


In order to apply, applicant must be enrolled or accepted at an accredited college or university. This scholarship will be awarded based our review of your 1,000 word essay.


Answer this question in 1,000 words or less: Why is it important to provide affordable family law services to military, law enforcement, and other first responders? Be as specific as possible. The student who submits an answer that is the most thought provoking and innovative will be awarded the scholarship.


This scholarship is a one time award of $1,000 (update July 24, 2019) $500


  • Application for this scholarship must be received by May 31, 2019 (fall semester) and a winner announced by June 30.
  • We will notify the winner by email or a telephone call and will post the winner on our Facebook page and other social media.


Funds will paid directly to the college/university after winner’s proof of enrollment is received.


Applicants must mail, a 12 point font, double spaced, printed Word document or Google Doc, 1,000 word or less document titled “Why Is It Important To Provide Affordable Family Law Services To Military, Law Enforcement, And Other First Responders?” to the following address:

MyHoustonDivorce.Lawyer Scholarship Committee
440 Louisiana St, Suite 1225
Houston, TX 77002

The following information must immediately follow your 1,000 word or less essay:

  • First Name Last Name, Your Phone Number
  • Your Mailing Address
  • Your Email Address
  • Your high school Graduation Date (YYYY.MM.DD)
  • The college/university you are applying to, have been accepted to, or are currently enrolled in.
  • Your personal bio in 280 characters or less.

There is no other application necessary. Do not include additional material such as tax returns, bank balances or other information not asked for in the application. DO NOT CALL ABOUT THIS SCHOLARSHIP.

If you need to contact us, please do so via the contact form on this webpage, subject header: Scholarship

Who Is MyHoustonDivorce.Lawyer?

texas divorce attorneyAttorney Daryl Longworth is a family law attorney in Houston, Texas. He takes great pride in giving back to the community. His law office focuses on helping clients in Texas who are facing family law issues.

Mr. Longworth is a former law enforcement officer for the Houston Police Department. He is a graduate of the University of Houston Law Center and has a Masters Degree from Houston Baptist University.

You can learn more about him here.

Do not call the law firm asking for more information regarding the scholarship. If you need to contact us, please do so by email using the contact form on this page, subject header: Scholarship

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